Believe it or not plaque can rear its ugly head in any Arlington mouth – even yours – no matter how meticulous you try to be.
Dental Health
3 Dental Dangers For Arlington Toddlers
Categories: Dental Health, Family Dentistry

Stephen Ratcliff, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry wants to remind you about another important component of child wellness: oral health. Sadly, we see too many cases of completely preventable child tooth decay.
4 Super Tips For Strong Enamel In Arlington TX
Categories: Dental Health

Enamel, found on the outer surface of your teeth, truly should last a lifetime. But just because it’s super strong doesn’t mean you don’t have to work to take care of it.
Fun Floss Facts For Fort Worth Smiles

Let’s take a look at some of the most common types of dental floss found in Arlington area drugstores.
Stephen Ratcliff, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Guide To Healthy Tooth Enamel
Categories: Dental Health

Tooth enamel is one of the hardest parts of the body, but it is non-renewable so it is important not to neglect or abuse our teeth.