Root Canals

Get Tooth Pain Relief in Arlington TX


root canal for tooth pain relief from a dentist in Arlington TXHave you been experiencing tooth pain lately but are putting off going to the dentist? You may want to change your approach and call today to schedule a visit and get things checked out. Dental neglect can lead to much larger and much more expensive procedures. Sometimes you may just be experiencing dental sensitivity. Maybe it’s just a minor injury with a quick and easy remedy. And maybe it has the potential to be worse. It’s best to get ahead of the problem rather than risk your symptoms worsening without treatment.


Sometimes diet and damage can lead to your tooth nerves and pulp becoming infected. This is fairly normal but the discomfort can make you feel like anything but your normal self.  A root canal is the common cure and can help you get on with your normal life.

Infected tooth root system in need of a root canal

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A root canal involves removing the damaged or infected tooth pulp from the tooth root. When teeth reach maturity, they no longer need this material and it can be removed with no ill effects. When the tooth roots are clear of tooth nerve and pulp, a filler is placed and then the tooth surface is either sealed shut, or a dental crown is placed. In either instance your tooth will be healthy and strong and allow you to live, laugh and eat like normal.


Because the offending nerve tissue is removed with a root canal treatment there is nothing left to cause pain. What does this mean to you? No more toothache! You may also be interested to know that Dr. Stephen Ratcliff and his team are exceedingly careful to make sure your root canal treatment is comfortable (yes really) and relaxed. That means you can make the intense toothache go away with ease and comfort.

Get Toothache Relief

Call Us: 817-274-7875

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Schedule a Root Canal in Arlington TX

Call 817-200-7318 and schedule a visit today if you experiencing a toothache. We help patients all over the Arlington TX area find tooth pain relief.

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