Overlapping Teeth Can Be Corrected for a Beautiful Smile in Arlington

how to fix overlapping teeth Arlington

At Stephen Ratcliff Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide innovative cosmetic dentistry. That means we correct all types of smile imperfections. Overlapping teeth are fairly common. And while many people don’t mind a slight overlap, others feel self-conscious and would like it corrected. What causes teeth to overlap? Genetics or thumbsucking as a toddler can […]

Oral Health in Arlington TX: 3 Smart Smile Solutions

oral health in Arlington TX

In today’s message, we will concentrate on three innovative procedures used in smile transformations. Smile restorations are vital to improving patient oral health in Arlington TX. They help restore beautiful smiles and they improve the lives of our patients. 1. Tooth Implants Tooth implants are transforming the face of dentistry. For most patients, a dental […]

Is Malocclusion Causing Your Headache?

Categories: Invisalign
Arlington Headache Relief

Are you a Fort Worth adult who suffers with chronic headaches? Have you tried Imitrex, diet adjustments, and chiropractic treatment? Perhaps the cause is not stress-induced tension, spine alignment or eyestrain. Maybe the culprit is right under your nose. Bite misalignment or malocclusion is a common Fort Worth problem that often goes undetected. Nature intended […]

Bright Purple Mouth When You Smile In Arlington?

Categories: Invisalign
Arlington Invisalign

There are some kids (and many adults!) that are not thrilled about having metallic fuchsia bands and neon yellow wires adorning their teeth. Discrete Invisalign braces are virtually undetectable and straighten teeth just as quickly and effectively as metal braces.