When you meet someone in Fort Worth who is missing a front tooth, what does that say to you? Do you wonder if they were in an accident? Do you automatically start making assumptions about their income, level of education and overall physical health?
Though it is extremely unfair, we are often judged (and misjudged) by our appearance. Even if a person is impeccably dressed and groomed, a missing front tooth detracts from the overall pleasing impression.
Here is a personal story from a woman who lost a tooth:
I lost my job and along with it my dental insurance, then a month later, one of my front teeth. It has been very hard to find work…. and I know the missing tooth has cost me several jobs.”
A missing tooth can be a big deal.
Dental implants not only restore oral health, but they restore self-confidence, too. Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth.
Studies have shown that after more than 20 years, the vast majority of dental implants continue to function at peak performance. If properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime.
Not all cosmetic dental procedures are as extreme as teeth implants. There are many minimally-invasive remedies for unattractive smiles.
Porcelain veneers instantly provide a perfect, gleaming tooth surface for Fort Worth patients with broken or discolored teeth. Tooth whitening is a quick and affordable dentistry procedure in Mansfield TX that achieves dramatic results without requiring the removal of any tooth structure.
Call Stephen Ratcliff, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry at 817-274-7875 for more information about smile design and restorative dentistry.
Stephen Ratcliff
Stephen Ratcliff, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
909 W Mitchell St
Arlington, Texas 76013