If you want to restore your smile due to extensive tooth loss, you have an important decision. Will you choose conventional dentures? Will you choose tooth implants? There is no contest when you consider the advantages of implants. Let our team at Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry compare conventional removable dentures and tooth implants. […]
Denture Implants
How Do You Choose a Dental Practice For a Dental Implant?

Today’s article is for men and women who have decided to replace a tooth with an implant. Great choice! Now you need to choose a dental implant dentist to perform the procedure. This is an important decision. A dental implant is permanent. It involves oral surgery. It requires a significant financial investment. Making a bad […]
Is Your Smile In A World of Hurt?

Do you have extreme tooth damage, bone loss, or few to no remaining teeth? This post from Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington TX is for anyone whose mouth is in a world of hurt. We understand how dental issues impact you every day of your life. Whatever the cause of the condition […]
Advanced Technology: Dental Implants

There are several restorative options for people who have lost one or more of their teeth. One option is to do nothing, but at Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington TX, we strongly recommend looking into dental implants. If you don’t do anything about a missing tooth, then there are consequences that might […]
What are Possible Dental Implant Complications?

Dental implants from Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington are state-of-the-art, with a success rate in the area of ninety-eight percent. That number is a testament to implant technology. But like any medical or dental procedure, there are risks. In this post, we will consider possible complications of a dental implant. Infection. Any […]
Why is the 4-Step Tooth Implant Timeline Necessary?

Dental implants from Stephen Ratcliff Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington are state-of-the-art in tooth replacement. The process for getting an implant can take several months, but don’t let that discourage you. Each stage of the procedure is important. It’s not a drawback; it is indicative of the permanent nature of an implant. The Dental […]
What are Implant-Stabilized Dentures?

Imagine being able to replace your missing teeth with dentures that are so stable, they seem more like natural teeth than ordinary dentures ever could. With implant-supported dentures from Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington, you don’t have to imagine: they’re here. Anyone who wears orindary dentures knows how difficult it is to […]
What is the Recovery Time for a Dental Implant?

Once one of our patients at Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington decides to go ahead with a dental implant, one of the first things they want to know is: how long is the recovery time? Our answer? Recovery is difficult to predict, because every case is different. There are various factors that […]
Are Dentures Secured By Implants The Solution For Your Missing Teeth?

Implant-supported dentures from Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington are fixed dentures held in place with metal posts in the jaw. They are revolutionizing the way we replace missing teeth. The implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jaw. In three to six months’ time, the post fuses with the […]
Improve Your Smile for Yourself (And Those That Look at You)

Not happy with your smile? Have you been thinking about replacing one or more missing teeth? If so, then dental implants from Stephen Ratcliff Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington are for you! A dental implant is a state-of-the-art replacement tooth consisting of three parts: the implant itself, a connecting piece called an abutment, and a […]